
Various products

Ecotex | Coagulation products
Range of neutral, liquid coagulation products for solvent based paints. Adsorbs the paint particles
caused by over spray and removes harmful parts out of the spray booth water.

Desodorant | Anti bacteria
Eliminates malodors in waste water. Although our products have a natural anti-bacterial effect, in
certain circumstances malodors can arise. Just a small quantity of our treatment product Desodorant
will eliminate the aerobic bacteria and the smells.

Eco-chrome | Reduces Cr6 to Cr3
Reduces Cr6 to Cr3 in any pH-range. Eco-chrome is based on sodium dithionite.
Very high redox potential. Dosage depending on pH value and Chromium concentration.

Hydrocoll | Peelable coatings
Series of various peel able coatings for (temporarily) protection of (spray booth) walls, floors and all
kind of metal surfaces. Available on water base and solvent base, white or transparent. Very easy

Series of various types of anti foams for all kinds of industrial water systems. Available on base of
silicones, or silicone free. Dosage, depending on the foam stability and usage. Especially designed for
leather- paper- alimentary- chemical- and paint industry.

Omnial  offers a big range of sludge dewatering materials. In all sorts of material and dimensions.

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