Flocking process

Omnial offers you a range of neutral, powder and liquid flocking products, especially designed for the
treatment of waste water in practical all industry sectors. After treatment the water is suitable for
drainage or re-use. The Ecostatic products are added to the water by hand or dose unit. The dosage
depends on the nature and quantity of the pollution. After the reaction period, in which precipitation
and flocking takes place, separation between clean water and sludge is realized. Thanks to
integrated polymers a very big and stable flock is built, which can be dewatered easily by one of our
dewatering systems.

Ecostatic 205 | Flocking product for the treatment of waste water from water based inks
Ecostatic 305 | Flocking product for the treatment of waste water from water based paints
Ecostatic 405 | Flocking product for the treatment of waste water, charged with hydrocarbonates
Silcafloc 505 | Flocking product for the treatment of waste water in the plating industry adsorbent for heavy metals and rest values cr6+
Ecostatic 805 | Flocking product for the treatment of waste water from water based adhesives
Ecostatic 102 | Combination product for waste water contending oil, grease and hydro carbonates
Ecostatic 111 | Combination product for waste water, charged with heavy metals including Ch6+ reduction
Ecostatic 160 | Special flocking product for organic waste water contending high COD
Ecostatic 161 | Special flocking product for organic contending waste water, sulphate free!
Eco-concentrate | Flocking granulate product for all kinds of waste waters, extreme low dosage, no dust
Ecostatic VL 101 | Special flocking product for waste water, charged with organics and an-organics
Ecostatic VL 108 | Special flocking product for use in continuous treatment installations
Ecostatic AP 109 | Special liquid flocking product for water, with organical dry solids
Ecostatic WL | Liquid combination product for the separation and flocking of waste water, charged with oil and grease
Ecostatic VL 204 | Anionic flocking product for organical charged waste water sludge
Ecostatic P 200 | Neutralization and after flocking for waste water
Ecostatic P 300 | Flocking product for all kinds of waste water
Ecostatic P 570 | Anionic en cationic special flocking granulates, no dust
Ecostatic C 570 | Strong cationic synthetic flocking aid for treatment of high charged, mixed waste water and sludge in a.o. biology units, paper industries and breweries
Ecostatic K 580 | Separation and flocking product for treatment all kinds of waste water, with high reduction of COD and AOX
Ecostatic A 200 | Neutralization and after-flocking, in combination with K 580, offering an
optimal treatment and dewatering without sticking in the filter press


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